Life here has been crazy! Stuff just happens and I get so caught up in it all. Time slips by and I wonder what just happened!
I had my second carpal tunnel surgery at the end of June, so my parents came to help out while I recover. The boys celebrated their last day of school and summer vacation began.

David had another birthday celebration with his friends from school at a party at Mcdonalds, and all had a great time!
Darryl and I had a special night out to celebrate our 13th anniversary. The food was great, the atmosphere was great, just a great night out without the kids.

Then it began....
It began to rain the day we celebrated our anniversary....and it didn't stop. It continued to rain, and didn't let up. I had a feeling that something was about to happen, but I never would have guessed how it would all end up.
I began to notice water running through the back yard. It was running a bit harder than it ever has. The nervousness began to set in and I went into watch mode. The area where our new home is located used to be a swampy area, so I wondered if we were headed for trouble. As the trickle of water in my yard began to increase to a fast moving brook, it began to collect further down into my neighbors' yards. I went down to the basement to double check for water and found an outdoor deep window well filled with collected water, and inches away from entering my house through the window. Panic set in, and life changed in that instant for me and many of my neighbors.
We grabbed umbrellas, and buckets, and anything we could find to cover the window well. We managed to bail out the water and keep most of what was falling out of the sky from filling it up again, but I couldn't be sure it would hold with the torrential rain that was now drenching us. After dealing with that little mishap, I began to hear the rush of water in the creek behind the houses across the street, and noticed that it was coming out of its banks. As some point the rain let up and the sun came out, so I ventured out to see what was going on. Several of my neighbors did the same, so we were all shocked and amazed at what was happening right before our eyes. Water began flowing down our road and begain to rise higher. The creek that usually runs across the street, was now flowing in the street and flooding out the lower streets down from our subdivision. The school playground across the field was taking on water and streets down below us were filling up with water. The city was flooding, and there wasn't much we could do but watch and wait.