The days since the rain began have just flowed one into the next. My home was spared, but so many people have been affected by the flood waters. People have lost entire homes, some lost cherished items, and a few lost their lives. This has been such a devestating event for this little city. But it just wasn't our little city. Area all over central New York have been devestated with the flood of 2006. They are saying that this will be one for the record books. Roads are washed out and we have been under a state of emergency for several days and some places have even been washed away altogehter. It's all anyone is talking about. The river kept rising even after the rain, and parts of the city had to be shut down. Here are photos of my road at the start of everything and the playground once the water rose.

There are sections of major highways, and country roads completely washed away. The plant were Darryl works was flooded, so he spent most of his time there getting things secured and getting the clean-up underway. Families all over the city are taking stock of what they could save and have begun piling debris out on the curb for removal. It's so sad seeing families who have lost so much. The photos on the news and in the papers are just unbelievable, and it's not over for a lot of folks. The cleanup and restoration is now beginning, and in some places it will take a long time before things get back to normal.
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