Saturday, December 31, 2005
Goodbye 2005...Hello 2006!!!
Well it's new year's eve, and the night is quiet. Everyone is asleep except for me as usual. Once again, I am looking forward to spending new year's eve with Dick Clark and it's good to have him back. 2005 put our family through many changes, and I am happy to begin a new year. Since I don't normally make resolutions, I'm not gonna even begin. What I will do is just promise myself to try to do better. Whatever it is that I'm doing now, I will try to do better in the coming year. I would like to be a better mom and wife, look better, feel better....just be better. All I can do is I will!!!!
Friday, December 30, 2005
Love 'em while you have 'em...
I just heard something that really struck a chord with me. A guest on the Oprah show today was talking about coming through a rather difficult time, and his words were that you get very few opportunities to be in the same room with all the people you love and care about and who love and care about you.....mostly weddings or funerals, where of course you can't enjoy their company. I paused upon hearing this and it definately is true. When I think of gatherings of my family, it is usually at a wedding or unfortunately at a funeral. Over the past 5 years, we have begun having family reunions, and even with that we have lost loved ones and we shared warm thoughs of them at the first reunion without them. Family is important, and staying in touch is even more important. We all have family members that we take for granted. Once they are gone, there are no more words, laughter, touching, feeling, or sharing. 2005 has been a year of loss for many, and it is hard to step forward after that loss. As we enter a new year reach out to your family. Love them while you have them.
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
The Chronicles of Narnia...The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe
We went to see it today, and everyone just loved it! I knew I wanted to see this movie from the minute I found out it was being made. I have the books, but haven't read them yet. After seeing the movie, I'm more eager to start reading them to the kids. I think they will get more out of it now that they have the imagery floating around in their heads.
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Long Time......No See!'s been a long time since my last post. Life around here has been upside down! Daniel celebrated his ninth birthday. Darryl had another birthday. We celebrated Thanksgiving together. I had another surgery, and we began to prepare for the Christmas holiday season. More construction work is going on in the house. It has been a whilrwind of activity around here and in the midst of it all, I'm working on making me better. Feels like I'm taking on a mountain of responsibility, but in the end, it will have been worth it all.
This was our first Christmas in the new house, and while trying to decorate and get everyone in the holiday spirit, the construction began again. Tile workers are repairing the shower leak and we have had to share the kids' bath for over a month now. There have been cracks in the walls, and the painter and carpeter have been back to take care of those items. The garage has finally been finished. My light in the stairwell has been finally installed.....Yeah!!! Why it took the builder so long to get this done is beyond me, but it's complete and I can now stop obsessing about it. The dishwasher broke about 2 1/2 weeks ago, and I have had to spend more time hand washing dishes over the holidays. It was finally fixed, and we found that one of the attachment screws came loose and jammed up the drain valve. My dishwasher has not been attached properly to the counter, and what they did do ended up messing up my brand new dishwasher. It's working right now, but still not attached to my counter. Anyhow, life goes on......
I actually did some scrapping!!!!!!! As usual, I got the big idea to send both sets of grandparents a mini album of the kids. As usual, I started late, and only have one of the albums completed. The grandmas know it is forthcoming....but I actually put in the time and did some scrapping. My scrapspace is set up and looks organized, but the feel is not exactly right, but I can work on that! Now, I just need to stop buying so much stuff and get busy using it!
This was our first Christmas in the new house, and while trying to decorate and get everyone in the holiday spirit, the construction began again. Tile workers are repairing the shower leak and we have had to share the kids' bath for over a month now. There have been cracks in the walls, and the painter and carpeter have been back to take care of those items. The garage has finally been finished. My light in the stairwell has been finally installed.....Yeah!!! Why it took the builder so long to get this done is beyond me, but it's complete and I can now stop obsessing about it. The dishwasher broke about 2 1/2 weeks ago, and I have had to spend more time hand washing dishes over the holidays. It was finally fixed, and we found that one of the attachment screws came loose and jammed up the drain valve. My dishwasher has not been attached properly to the counter, and what they did do ended up messing up my brand new dishwasher. It's working right now, but still not attached to my counter. Anyhow, life goes on......
I actually did some scrapping!!!!!!! As usual, I got the big idea to send both sets of grandparents a mini album of the kids. As usual, I started late, and only have one of the albums completed. The grandmas know it is forthcoming....but I actually put in the time and did some scrapping. My scrapspace is set up and looks organized, but the feel is not exactly right, but I can work on that! Now, I just need to stop buying so much stuff and get busy using it!
Monday, October 10, 2005
5 Days and Counting...
Well it's that time of year again. With the change in seasons, comes another birthday. I usually tend to get a bit reflective this time of year. Where have I been, and what have I been doing, and what should I do different? My biggest concerns right now for me are my health. I am finally getting care for a couple ongoing conditions that I have overlooked for the past few years. As a wife and mother, I tend to care for everyone else first and put my health aside for another time. Well that time has come and along with it comes time for a change. I want to be better....look better...feel better......just overall be better than I am right at this very minute. I'm going to make my life over. I'm not just trippin on Oprah advice, but I just feel like it's time for a little more "me time". Time to care a bit more for how I am living. Better diet, less weight, more style & a little flair....just make me over and kick me up a notch...BAM!!!
Home Not-So-Sweet Home
It's been a while since I last posted. We have had various issues come up concerning our "new house". It really doesn't feel like a brand new house since so many little and some big problems have popped up. I'm not going to list them all since it would take up too much time, but working with our contractor has been like pulling teeth. I love the new subdivision, and I love our house. Most of my neighbors have ongoing complaints with their homes, much like we do. I feel like my life has been consumed with "this house". All I want is my home completed so we can finally settle in and enjoy our new home.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
School Daze...Again!

Well school started on Sept 6, and the boys were excited to start fresh in a new school. We all were ready early, and had time to sit and talk about my expectations for this year. All was well received, and I realized that this new school year would mean changes for me as well. Up till now, they rode the bus, but now I am dropping them off and picking them up each day. David is beginning Kindergarten, and Daniel is in fourth grade. Seems like he was just born yesterday, and now he is in fourth grade. David is learning to read, and is loving it. I am trying to spend more hands-on time with them before and after school...especially after school to reinforce that learning is so important. Already, I am seeing changes in their attitudes when I mention homework. Now, if I can only keep Tiffani seated and quiet while homework is going on, I'll be doing well. She missed them the first day, but now she is into the new routine and enjoys getting her hat and backpack in the morning and riding to school with them. She looks forward to their return in the afternoon, but most of all....I am enjoying the "girl" time I get with her during the day. I love my boys, but I am so happy that school has started again. I did the happy dance on the first day, because I get some well deserved "me" time while they are in school. Now, if I can only stop catch-up cleaning and start scrapping again I will certainly be working my "me" time.
Thursday, September 01, 2005
More Thoughts on Katrina
I've been reading various posts on several message boards around the net concerning the looting and "ungratefulness" going on in New Orleans. As I said before, I can understand people given the situation they are in getting food, water, clothing, and medicine the best way they can, but stealing big ticket items just blows my mind. The various comments have amazed me, enraged me, and some just plain don't make sense. As we all sit here in the comfort of our homes casting stones as we always do during times like these, I can't help but think about how most of us would handle the situation if we were in their shoes. As a wife and mother, I know that I would do whatever I had to do to ensure my children had clothes to wear, food to eat, water to drink, and maybe a toy to play with while they waited endless hours for aid or transportation. I can't imagine being contained with thousands of now homeless people in extreme temperatures, with overflowing toilets, no real food to mention, for endless hours waiting for some communication about evacuation. Most of us cringe when we go into a filthy gas station restroom....imagine being herded into close quarters with the stench of rotting bodies, perspiration, malfunctioning bathrooms, filthy standing water and no communication for days on end. People are literally dying in the streets while displaced families are looking on and wondering what their fate will be. I credit the people who are there trying to help, but I'm having a hard time with how fast the help is coming. Law enforcement is nonexistent, and they are overwhelmed with the wave of criminal activity. These people have their own misery to deal with even though they are on the front lines rescuing and attempting to control the lawless behavior. There just doesn't seem to be enough police to patrol all of New Orleans and rescue people at the same time. I realize that many roads in are flooded or blocked by debris, but the news media found ways to get in and up close and personal and show us all first hand the deteriorating circumstances. We are seeing the best and worst of human behavior from their viewpoint. I don't condone the criminal activity that is being played out around New Orleans. Some of the reporting paints such an ugly picture, and so many of us back here in our homes believe what they are seeing is being repeated by all people all over the cities affected and choose to condemn...pass judgement even on people who are helpless and trying to survive. I think we need to try to keep an open mind about what is going on. When you are stripped of everything you ever had or worked hard for, and your future minute by minute is unsecure, you will do what you need to do to survive. It's the survival instinct that kicks in. If you have a conscience, it will direct your behavior. So much of the criminal element is being shown and played up. But for every criminal, there are hundreds of caring people that are trying to survive and help their fellow man. I have seen so many images of people individually fishing others out of the water onto dry places, and reaching out even though they themselves have lost all. But on the other hand can you blame people for their anger when they are being treated like unwanted animals. Even the dolphins in one of the aquariums were evacuated and taken out before the storm even began. Why are we treating human beings like they are less than an animal? Our reaction to this truly makes me shudder. This catastrophic event could be played out in cities around the country through terrorist attacks, and we choose to sit back and throw stones. Just like we came together during the horrible days after Sept 11, we need to come together as a unified country and help our own. It's easy to feel detached because we do not live in the areas affected, or because those affected don't look like you do, but we are all part of the human race, and if you can't put aside your differences to lend a hand, or offer a word of encouragement, then maybe you need a reality check. Put yourself in someone elses shoes and walk around in them a while. You may be surprised at the thoughts and feelings that come to the surface. Casting stones never got anyone anywhere. Taking those stones and building upon them creates change not only for yourself, but for everyone whose life touches yours.
Hurricane Katrina Aftermath
I have been watching the recent and ongoing coverage of the hurricane over the weekend. I can hardly believe the devastation that has been left in her wake. The images are heart-breaking. Knowing that thousands of people have been killed or have lost everything they have in this world is just hard to fathom. Seeing the devastation in Mobile, Alabama makes my heart ache mainly since that is where my family originated. Also seeing the images of catastrophe in New Orleans, Biloxi, and Gulf Port is just plain unbelievable. I wish more people where in a position to have evacuated before the storm raged. Unfortunately, many were not able and chose to stay behind and ride out the storm....a deadly decision. In the aftermath, once the waters begain to rise in the city of New Orleans, I sat horrified to see the hundreds and hundreds of people make their way to the Superdome for shelter, only to find utter chaos. Many homes have been reduced to piles of rubble, and several towns have been virtually wiped of the face of the earth. People in dire situations will do what they need to do in order to survive, and the basic instinct of survival has already kicked in for many people who have lost everything. As I sit here warm, dry, and comfortable in my home, my eyes fill with tears and my heart aches for those who have lost loved ones, their shelter, their livlihood. I also get enraged when I witness the looting of useless items in places where no one has electricity, water, functioning bathrooms, or food and water. What are people thinking??? I can certainly understand taking what is necessary for survival, but some of my people have gone too far and make an awful situation even uglier. I will step up and send monetary aid to help those who need it, and continue to offer my sincere prayers for healing, strength, and perseverence. For those who know the Lord, continue to have faith. For those who don't, I invite you to get to know Him. With Him, all things are possible.
Thursday, August 25, 2005
It is Finished....sort of
Well we have finally moved into the new house. We closed and moved in after vacation. Some things are still unfinished, but we can start moving boxes from the garage and unloading them. Seems like it's been the longest move on record. Living in close quarters for over a month has not been fun. But we survived! Here we are now a month later and most of the boxes are open. We have a good bit of stuff to part with. It actually feels good to pare things down. I'm happy to finally get my scrap space organized. My stuff has been packed up in the garage for the past couple months, and I worried whether it would survive the climate in there. Most of it is unloaded and it seems like it made it through. Now comes the task of getting my space organized just right so the creative juices can begin to flow again.
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Almost Moving Day...Again
Well, I had a chance to walk through the new house again, and the workers have come a long way in just one week. There is still a bit more to complete before we can call it finished, but I think we are finally on our way to getting officially moved in this week. This has been the longest move I think we have ever had. We vacated the old house June 26, and here we are late in July and almost ready to finally get in. I keep feeling like we are never going to make it, but I think I am finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I have to admit living in such close quarters over the past few weeks, I have truly come to know what "togetherness" really is. The 5 of us have been "together" in this little cottage, and as much as I love my family, I'm ready to spread out and enjoy some private time in my new scrapping space. Now, I just have to carve out some time to put it together between unpacking the rest of the house..... Stuff just never seems to end....
Monday, July 18, 2005
Vacation Time!

I have been looking forward to vacation this year like you wouldn't believe. I so have needed to get away from everything going on and just kick back and relax a bit. So, as in years past, we went down to Myrtle Beach. Our home away from home was the Barefoot Resort, and once again we had a great condo for our time there. The view from the screened-in porch was fabulous. We had a large pond with several fountains in it, and it drew several families of ducks. The kids loved seeing the ducks each day. We did our usual visits to the aquarium, Grand Prix fun park, shopping, and the beach. This time we did get to the Alligator Adventure, and the boys thought it was awesome. They loved the alligator feeding. Tiffani looked at the gators and yelled out "dinosaur...dinosaur." Too funny!
We did get rain several days in a row, but it usually only lasted till the afternoon, then cleared out by evening. So even with the rain, we were still able to get out and enjoy the day. Of course, Darryl spent his mornings golfing with the usual crew, and we did all get together for dinner midweek at the Santa Fee Station. The kids loved the train theme. It was nice to finally meet some of the other families this time. I even finished reading The Indwelling and am ready to start the next book in the series. I even checked out a couple scrapping stores, and worked on a few pages with the minimal supplies I brought with me. Overall, I have to say I relaxed and rested, even though I spent my mornings alone with the kids. Although, it would be nice to leave everyone at home and take another vacation........alone.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Moving Day...Sort Of
Well the day has finally come to move into our new home.....sort of. The movers were here a little ahead of time. We were there on time. The house is still not ready, but we made do. The kitchen is still not in, nor the bathroom fixtures and cabinets. The flooring on the main level is still not complete. The carpting in the basement is not finished yet. But, we were able to do what we needed to do. Hopefully the next couple of weeks will go by quickly, and we will finally be able to completely move in.
Monday, July 04, 2005
Independence Day
Today is Independence Day....the Fourth of July. It's an odd situation we're in, but we will make the best of it. We still haven't moved into our new home yet, but it will be finished in a couple more weeks. So, we will be celebrating in our temporary home...a one-bedroom cottage. Being new in town makes one feel a bit on the perimeter, but our new neighbors have made us feel at home, even though we are not quite at home. We probably won't be hosting a cookout this year, but there is a great place in town that has the best barbecue I've had in a good while. We will stop by and pick up a little something, then maybe take in some of the local flavor. There are quite a few things going on around town today, so I'm sure the kids will enjoy the day without feeling like they are missing our usual celebrating. Of course, what would the Fourth of July be without fireworks? I am told there will be fireworks, so hopefully the kids will enjoy those too. Happy Fourth!
Friday, July 01, 2005
Forever, For Always, For Love...Remembering Luther

I just found out the one of my favorite R&B artist has passed away today. Just say his name, and all sorts of musical images come to mind. Luther..... Luther Vandross. He has to be my all-time favorite. His smooth voice and lyrical styling was pure genius. I have to admit, that I absolutely love his music. I don't think that there was a single song he released that I didn't like. Luther could sing anything, and it sounded good.... "Here and Now was our wedding song. Darryl sang it to me on our very first date, and it is such a special song to us. I don't think there ever will be a voice that can compare to his. There are a few who follow in the same vein, but they just aren't Luther. I have missed his voice ever since he fell ill, and I will continue to miss his voice now that he has passed on. Long live "The Power of Love".
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Together Again, and On the Move...Again

Well, the family is now reunited after 4 months being apart from Darryl for work reasons. With his new position, comes new challenges. This is our 4th move in 5 years, all with the same company. Darryl's new job began in February, and he relocated without the rest of us. The kids and I stayed behind in order to finish school. We would move after school let out. So this past week has been an interesting one for us. The last day of school was June 23, and the movers were in the house packing it up that same day. We spent a couple nights at the Best Western in order to attend church on Sunday for the last time at Calvary Baptist. Everyone was teary eyed as we said our goodbyes. It has been a nice place to be for the past 5 years, but I am ready to leave the North Country. This transition has been without many issues, but as we wind this thing down, we come to find out that the new house is not quite ready yet. So, here we are all 5 of us staying in the builder's one-bedroom cottage. It's cozy, but a bit too small for us all. I feel like we're camping, since I don't have all my personal stuff. It's on a moving van somewere in NY state waiting for us to take delivery this Friday. I just hope the house is ready enough for us to get our belongings....
Monday, June 13, 2005
David's Birthday
Today is David's 5th birthday. This child has been anticipating this birthday since his last one. Just about each day, David would tell me and anyone else who would listen what he wanted for his birthday, a Buzz Lightyear with no belt. Every day, David reminded everyone what his birthday gift was to be, and he also asked how long it was till his next birthday. As the days, week, and months went by we had this daily discussion about his birthday. Well, today it finally arrived and the look of joy on his little face was just too cute. We celebrated yesterday with cake and his present. I told David that finding the Buzz he wanted was pretty hard, so he may need to think about something else. He received the RC car from Toy Story, with a miniature Buzz and Woody. He was thrilled beyond measure, and somehow forgot about that Buzz Lightyear with no belt. Overall he had a great birthday weekend at the funpark on Saturday, family party on Sunday, and his happy meal today on his actual birthday. So now David is 5...I wonder what he will cook up tomorrow for his next birthday?
Sunday, June 12, 2005
Catching Up
I feel like I've been "catching up" in all aspects of my life over the past few months, even more so now, though. Moving day is coming next week, and there is so much to do to get ready. This will be our third move since August of 2003, so I am hoping this one will be easier than the previous two moves. The new house is almost complete, so the schedule will be very tight, but I am thinking it will be finished on time. I'm excited to finally get a dedicated scrapbook/craft area in the new house, I just don't know where yet. I got dibs on the guest room, but I am thinking the basement family room would be a better fit. Once I get to see the rooms, I'll make a decision. Building a house from afar has been challenging. Just trying to imagine how everything will come together using my imagination and photos does help, but it will be even better when I get to see the real thing. Yes, the past few months have been a challenge, but one part of our lives is ending, and a new one is beginning. Hopefully I'll be caught up and ready for the new challenges that lie ahead!
Monday, June 06, 2005
The Gold Medal
This is the beginning of the last week of school for David's Kidstart class, and today was their awards assembly for the Books & Beyond reading project. David was extremely excited to be receiving his gold medal for reading through the 8 stations throughout the school year. We worked extra hard the last two weeks to get from station 5 to station 8. With the help of both of his grandmothers, we actually did it. We went up to the wire to complete the reading. All of the children either received a blue ribbon for making the attempt, or a gold medal for completing 8 total stations of 225 reading minutes at each level. Darryl arranged his schedule to be home this morning, so we attended the ceremony. David looked so proud to receive his gold medal. That's quite an accomplishment for a soon-to-be five year old!
Sunday, June 05, 2005
First Entry

This is my first entry in my new blog. My intent is to capture the events of my life and that of my family in order to record in my future scrapbooks. I also intend to collect my thoughs here about scrapbooking in general. I know some people don't understand how one can obsess about scrapbooks and all that goes with it, but you probably wouldn't understand unless you are a scrapper. I equate the artistry involved with scrapbooking to that of any of the other arts. When you find something that allows you to express yourself in such a way, you fall in love with it and it helps define who you are and what you are here for. I love everything about scrapbooking, and I plan to discover new ways to record my life events through photos, paper, embellishments, and all the other stuff that goes along with this wonderful hobby.
Life Event for Today - June 5, 2005
It is Sunday afternoon, and the kids and I have returned home from church. Lunch is over, and I am thinking back to the events of today. Daniel had his first communion today. I was so touched when he told Pastor Brian that he felt privileged to be able to participate in communion this morning. I had tears in my eyes all during the Lord's supper, and Daniel did his best to make me feel better. Today was hard, because I would have loved to had Darryl here to see Daniel be so focused on communion, but the circumstances were such that he had to be away. Either way, I am glad Daniel has been baptized, and is now walking with Jesus at such a young age. Hopefully this will keep him focused on being the best that he can be and keep him on the right road throught his life to come.
My Three Little Loves

Most of my scrapbooks will detail the lives of these three from birth on up. They certainly keep me on my toes.
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